My first week of clinics in Guatemala

As you know, I can not return to Tanzania until the administrator there has obtained a residency visa for me. So, I have been using my time in the states to learn as many things as I can which will help us be more successful when I am able to return.

I decided I would spend some time with Dr. Lisa Dunham, her husband, Kimmel and Sheri, RN in Guatemala.  These 3 musketeers work with Health Talents International (HTI) in Chichicastenango.  They have been providing health care, mobile medical clinics and education in this area for more than 5 years.  I am certain they have a wealth of information which will help me as I strive to work in these areas at the Chimala Mission.

I spent Monday and Tuesday with Sheri doing medical consults.  Although there are some differences in the countries, many of the common illnesses are the same as well as the available treatments.  I took many notes and Sheri was able to show me several of the educational tools she uses with her patients.  Many of these will be great for me to develope and use as well.  Yesterday and today, I spent the day with Dr. Lisa.  As a nurse, there are many things I will need to know when seeing people in Chimala which I was not taught in school or practice.  Some of those assessment skills only  doctors do in America.  She taught me how to perform eye exams and what to look for...what things to look for which would need emergent care and those which aren't.  It was very helpful and knowledge which I am sure will come in handy. 

The warm, wonderful fire in my room every night!

My hotel room in Chichicastenango at the Hotel Santo Tomas

Lunch one day at clinic.  Black beans and boiled egg.  We did have hot tortillas with it as well.  Yummm, Yummm!
I wanted to add more pictures, but alas!, the internet is getting really slow and not cooperating anymore, so will have to post more later.

Sheri wrote an article about one of our clinic days.     I think you will enjoy reading it.

Tomorrow, Sheri and I are heading out for a new adventure.  We are going with another group to Coban, Guatemala for three days.  This is an area Sheri has not been to before.  We have been told it is a very poor area with no water and no electricity.  We will be "camping-out" so to speak.  We are told they are expecting a couple hundred medical patients.  In our group, we will have 2 doctors, 2 nurses and a dentist.  I am so excited!

Chichicastenango is just above Guatemala City.  Coban is a couple of cities above that.
 Please pray for our safe journey and a successful ministry.  We pray for God's guidance, protection and wisdom.  We pray that all we do will bring honor and glory to HIM.


  1. Cheryl, what a cozy room you have........we may wish we had that fire when we are in Coban!


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