Medical Home Visit


Home visits are a part of mobile clinics.  Meet Zabibu (on the right) and his brother Doto (on the left). Zabibu is 37 years old and has been paralyzed from the waist down since a bicycle accident 9 years ago.  Doto works for the Chimala Estate.  Both are members of the Mfumbi Church of Christ.  Since he is paralyzed, Zabibu gets around in a modified bicycle pictured below.

Currently,  Zabibu is having severe difficulties with deep wounds to his bottom from sitting so much and not being able to move much.  Rene and I have taught Doto how to perform wet-to-dry dressing changes.  On each Thursday, we go to  house to check the wound and do a dressing change.  I have placed him on antibiotics due to an infection and we will pray for quick healing.  Please keep them in your prayers and pray for the work we are doing in Chimala.


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