Visit to the primary school...
This is the view to the south from the primary school. Isn't this beautiful?
First order of business is to clean the building and grounds.
If you can't find a broom, grab a leafy weed for sweeping! Notice...roots and all!
If you see Wazungu (white people), you stop working and watch them.
This little one worked and worked on making sure that the entrance and steps to her classroom were kept clean.
Some jobs require team-work!
When the bell rings, the watotos (children) line up for instructions from one of the teachers. On this day, they did morning stretches and exercises.
There are around 400 primary school students here. Many, but not all of them, actually board at the school.
And here area the teachers! Yes the children are precious, innocent and so cute. But you can't have a good school without hard working, dedicated teachers!
After the children completed their morning stretches, they all ran excitedly to their various classrooms to begin learning for the day.
I started with a beautiful picture, so thought I would end with one as well. This beauty is in my flower bed. God created not only human-beings, but all that is in the world. When we praise and thank him for our blessing, the world he gave us to oversee should be close to the top. In other words, take time each day to enjoy the world around you....stop and smell the roses....and then praise the Lord for all you see and experience.
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